Our New Online School, Stories from Deep Time, has Launched with an Exciting Course on T.rex
Stories from Deep Time, a groundbreaking online school dedicated to exploring the wonders of the prehistoric world, is thrilled to announce the launch of its first course, "What was T.rex really like?" This innovative course brings together 14 years of research to offer learners a unique opportunity to dive into the world of the iconic T.rex like never before. Through captivating content, students will uncover the latest scientific discoveries about the fearsome predator, from its size and growing up to its behavior and even what it sounded like. Led by an expert teacher with over 50 years of experience, learners can expect a comprehensive learning experience that will transport them back in time to the age of the dinosaurs.
Our mission is to bring the fascinating stories of the prehistoric world to life in an educational and entertaining way. By offering courses like 'What was T.rex really like?', to be followed by “Killer Volcanoes” which is coming soon, we aim to inspire a new generation of enthusiasts interested in the past and foster a deeper appreciation for the wonders of deep time.
Enrollment is now open for Stories from Deep Time, and the course on T. rex is expected to be a roaring success. This course will delve into the latest research on T. rex's behavior, brain power, and much more. Students can anticipate uncovering fascinating insights into the life of this iconic dinosaur, making it a must-take for any aspiring paleontologist or enthusiast for the past. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore the world of T. rex and sign up to receive information on our our future courses. Visit https://storiesfromdeeptime.info to learn more about the online school and sign up for the course today!
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